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Kitoh H:
Clinical aspects and current therapeutic approaches for FOP. Biomedicines 8: 325, 2020.9

Matsuoka M, Tsukamoto S, Orihara Y, Kawamura R, Kuratani M, Haga N, Ikebuchi K, Katagiri T: Design of primers for direct sequencing of nine coding exons in the human ACVR1 gene. Bone 138: 115469, 2020.9

Ohte S, Shiokawa T, Koyama N, Katagiri T, Imada C, Tomoda H:
A new diketopiperazine-like inhibitor of bone morphogenetic protein-induced osteoblastic differentiation produced by marine-derived Aspergillus sp. BFM-0085. J Antibiot (Tokyo) 73. 554-558, 2020. 8

Ohte S, Yamazaki H, Takahashi O, Rotinsulu H, Wewengkang DS, Sumilat DA, Abdjul DB, Maarisit W, Kapojos MM, Zhang H, Hayashi F, Namikoshi M, Katagiri T, Tomoda H, Uchida R:
Inhibitory effects of sesquiterpene lactones from the Indonesian marine sponge Lamellodysidea cf. herbacea on bone morphogenetic protein-induced osteoblastic differentiation. Bioorg Med Chem Lett 35:127783, 2021. 3

Pignolo RJ, Cheung K, Kile S, Fitzpatrick MA, De Cunto C, Al Mukaddam M, Hsiao EC, Baujat G, Delai P, Eekhoff EMW, Di Rocco M, Grunwald Z, Haga N, Keen R, Levi B, Morhart R, Scott C, Sherman A, Zhang K, Kaplan FS:
Self-reported baseline phenotypes from the International Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) Association Global Registry. Bone 134: 115274, 2020.5

Tsukamoto S, Kuratani M, Katagiri T:
Functional characterization of a unique mutant of ALK2, p.K400E, that is associated with a skeletal disorder, diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. Bone 137: 115410, 2020.5

Yamazaki H, Ohte S, Rotinsulu H, Wewengkang DS, Sumilat DA, Abdjul DB, Maarisit W, Kapojos MM, Namikoshi M, Katagiri T, Tomoda H, Uchida R:
Screening for Small Molecule Inhibitors of BMP-Induced Osteoblastic Differentiation from Indonesian Marine Invertebrates. Mar Drugs 18: 606, 2020. 11



小児希少疾患のリハビリテーション診療. Jpn J Rehabil Med 57: 334-339, 2020.4

成人後を見据えた小児骨系統疾患の診療. 日整会誌 94: 248-254, 2020.4



Matsuoka M, Tsukamoto S, Orihara Y, Kawamura R, Kuratani M, Haga N, Ikebuchi K, Katagiri T:
Design of primers for direct sequencing of nine coding exons in the human ACVR1 gene. ASBMR 2020, 2020.9.11-15, Virtual Event

Pignolo RJ, Al Mukaddam M, Baujat G, Berglund SK, Cheung AM, De Cunto C, Delai P, Di Rocco M, Haga N, Hsiao EC, Kannu P, Keen R, Mancilla EE, Grogan DR, Marino R, Strahs A, Kaplan FS:
Palovarotene (PVO) for fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP): Data from the phase III MOVE trial. ASBMR 2020, 2020.9.11-15, Virtual Event

Tsukamoto S, Kuratani M, Katagiri T:
Functional characterization of a unique mutant of ALK2, p.K400E, that is associated with a skeletal disorder, diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis. ASBMR 2020, 2020.9.11-15, Virtual Event

片桐 岳信、塚本翔、倉谷麻衣、辻真之介、國方友紀、高石巨澄:
特異的阻害抗体の開発で明らかとなったBMP受容体ALK2の新しい活性化機序. 第38回日本骨代謝学会学術集会, 2020. 10. 9-11, Virtual Event

骨系統疾患における成人期の問題. 第93回日本整形外科学会, 2020.5.21-24.福岡

びまん性特発性骨増殖症に関連するALK2 K400E変異体の機能解析. 第38回日本骨代謝学会学術集会, 2020. 10. 9-11, Virtual Event

進行性骨化性線維異形成症の臨床像と発症機序および治療の展望. 第52回日本結合組織学会、2020.9.19-20、WEB



骨系統疾患の診断入門―X線診断を中心にー. 第1回東海地区骨系統疾患研究会. 2020.1.25.(名古屋)

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